Browse below to view all of the funds currently managed by Marion Community Foundation. Click on the stories to learn more and/or to make a donation to that fund.
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Elgin Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
The Elgin Alumni Association Scholarship Fund was created by its members in 2017 to provide…
Elgin High School Wider Horizons Scholarship Fund
The Elgin High School Wider Horizons Scholarship Fund was created in 2020 by an appreciative…
Elizabeth Shumaker Scholarship Fund
Elizabeth Shumaker Diann Cage created this scholarship fund in 2021 in memory and honor of…
Ellirae Donor Advised Fund
The Ellirae Donor Advised Fund is an anonymous donor advised fund which favors programs and…
Emanuel Lutheran Church Endowment Funds
Emanuel Lutheran Church in Marion has established a number of endowment funds with Marion Community…
Epworth United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
Epworth United Methodist Church Endowment Fund created in 2008 by anonymous donors to provide on-going…
Eric Benjamin Foos Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Eric Benjamin FOOS Memorial Scholarship Fund was created by Eric’s father in 2017 to…
Erin Y. James Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Erin Y. James Memorial Scholarship honors the memory of a young woman who succumbed…
Eugene & Cecilia Reszczynski Scholarship Fund
This scholarship honors the late Eugene and Cecilia Reszczynski and their passion for helping others….
Eula M. Rhoads Scholarship Fund
Eula M. Rhoads was born in Meeker, Ohio, in 1921. She graduated from Meeker High…
Evelyn E. Walter Foundation Fund
Created in 2011, the Evelyn E. Walter Foundation Fund migrated to Marion Community Foundation. It…
Everett Family Scholarship Fund
The Everett Family Agricultural Scholarship, created in memory of Robert and Gertrude Everett and their…