Establish Your Fund
Learn more: Give | Ways to Give | Types of Funds | Memorial Gifts | Givings Tips | Our Funds
Working with a member of the Foundation staff, you — along with your financial advisor, if you prefer — can easily establish a named charitable fund. Together we will:

- Consider your giving goals: what is your charitable intent?
- Review the various types of charitable funds available and determine which best fits your purpose.
- Draw up the governing document that formalizes your giving intentions.
- As part of the governing document (if allowed by the type of fund you’re creating), designate fund advisors, e.g., yourself and your spouse, as well as successor advisors, e.g., your children.
- Establish a name for your fund, which could be your own name, a family member’s, a cause, or one that will keep you anonymous.
- Make an establishing gift using one or more of the various contribution options available. Click here for Ways to Give.
- Receive tax deductions, both when you establish the fund and whenever you make subsequent contributions to it.
And, once you’ve established your fund, you will be able to:
- Add to it, in any dollar amount, at any time.
- Indicate how you prefer your grant disbursements be acknowledged: in the name of the fund or anonymously.
- Recommend distributions to charities anywhere in the US (if it is a donor advised fund).
We invite you to contact us if you have additional questions about establishing a fund, or if we may provide assistance or information at any point in your giving experience.
Our offices are open weekdays, 9am-5pm, and can be reached by calling 740-387-9704.
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Learn more: Give | Ways to Give | Types of Funds | Memorial Gifts | Givings Tips | Our Funds