Expertise & Trust
Her face is not new. In fact, she’s been an integral part of Marion Community Foundation for the past 10 years; but, as of July, Julie Prettyman is in a new role, as our President and CEO.
Prettyman has moved into her new role seamlessly. A decade as Vice President and Director of Programs established her relationships with our volunteers and experience with our nine grant programs — which award $2.5 million annually, including more than $500,000 in scholarships.

“The most common question I am hearing in the community is, ‘How is the Foundation doing?’ she said. “We are doing well.”
Strategic and business planning, project management, and organization and process development are her wheelhouse. Her prior work in the nonprofit space includes the Ohio 4-H Foundation, Goodwill Rehabilitation Center, and the March of Dimes. Julie is a Marion native and earned her bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University.
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2024-25 Board of Directors: Members & Officers