Want to Stop Writing Checks?
Setting Up Recurring Gifts is a Snap!

Marion Community Foundation offers donors an option for growing charitable funds—automatic recurring gifts.
With this option, donors can request a specific amount be electronically transferred each month (or other frequency) from their bank account to any endowment fund of their choosing at Marion Community Foundation. This is an easy way to regularly add to a fund and grow it steadily over time. Recurring gifts can continue indefinitely and without the hassle of reminders or check writing to submit donations.
If you have a fund with us or regularly give to a charitable organization or cause that has an endowment fund here at Marion Community Foundation, all it takes is completing a simple authorization form to set up the automatic donation option. You specify the fund, the amount, and the frequency. This can be part of your giving plan to build a fund over time or spread out your intended annual contribution.
Recurring gifts are transferred electronically from a bank account to Marion Community Foundation and show up on your bank statement as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Transfers will continue for as long as you would like.
Authorization forms are available from Marion Community Foundation via our website — www.MarionCommunityFoundation.org — under the GIVE tab, or in our offices. We can be reached at 740-387-9704.
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