A Passion for Animals

Kay Lamb loves animals. All kinds of animals. And, the endowment funds she has created with Marion Community Foundation are a testament to that. They are also memorials, honoring her late son and husband, and their mutual love of all God’s creatures.
“Animals have always been part of our family,” said Kay. “There are a lot of animals who don’t have any family and those are the ones we want to help.”
Marion Area Humane Society
Kay created her first designated fund in 2017—the Bud, Kay, and Steve Lamb Memorial Fund—to provide for the humane care and treatment of animals by the Marion Area Humane Society. Grants from this fund may provide for neutering and spaying of animals, care to sick or injured wild animals for release back into the wild, care to sick or injured domestic animals, and finding them loving homes.
Homeless-to-Home Animal Rescue & Cat Sanctuary
This year, Kay created the Bud, Kay, and Steve Lamb Homeless-to-Home Fund, to support the organization’s animal rescue and cat sanctuary. With this legacy fund, Kay hopes to help with their goal of adding a spay and neuter clinic in Marion.
“I appreciate that someone would take the time to care for all those little ones,” Kay said of director Jeanine Tarantino and the 200+ cats at the sanctuary.
Kay has cared for a number of “little ones” over her lifetime. “We’ve always had dogs,” she said, “and a few cats in the barn. And, living on a farm, we had a variety of animals that people just dropped off.” She describes with fondness, the 10 acres she maintains as a deer refuge, her son’s cattle projects in 4-H when he was young, and her neighbor’s goats and soap-making business.
She has also cared for human family members —her only son, Steve, who developed lung cancer, and husband, Bud, who developed Alzheimer’s in his 50s and fought the progressive disease and its complications for 12 years. Both passed in 2009, four months apart.
Her heartfelt appreciation for the support she received then motivated her to establish the two endowment funds so that her family’s care for animals would continue in perpetuity.
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