Marion Music Club Scholarship

The Marion Music Club Scholarship Fund exists to support music students from Marion. Originally created in the 1950s, the scholarship has a substantial history of supporting Marion’s high school seniors and graduates pursuing a college education and career in music or music education. In 2021, the Club migrated their scholarship to Marion Community Foundation and created the Marion Music Club Scholarship Fund, a permanent endowment which will enable the Club to support music students in perpetuity.
Marion Music Club , which has existed for more than 100 years (formerly known as the Marion Lecture and Recital Club), is open to anyone who loves music and supports the performing arts in Marion. Members range in age from 20-80 and includes those active with the Marion Area Orchestra, Marion Concert Band, area music stores, and private teachers, as well as students. They offer monthly programs for the community, including musical arts, poetry, theater, dance, instrumentals, and history — both live and via their YouTube channel. The Club encourages the arts in Marion by supporting the Palace Cultural Arts Association and Marion Civic Chorus.
Contributions to this fund will increase the number and amount of awards available to talented, local music students. The scholarship is open to all Marion area high school seniors and graduates to attend the college or university of their choice and major in music or music education. The Marion Music Club Scholarship Fund will be promoted as part of the Foundation’s annual scholarship program – which attracts 300+ applicants annually. Your gift will mean so much to aspiring young musicians.