Coach Ed Henning Memorial Fund

Coach Ed Henning (1948-2022) was a beloved coach, teacher, mentor, and friend to many over his long and legendary career. He coached more than 100 seasons, spanning a wide variety of sports — football, wrestling (state qualifier), track, cross country, and girls’ basketball — during his time at Marion Harding High School. He was inducted into the Harding Athletic Hall of Fame in 2019.
Coach Henning taught science and OWE at Harding High School for 35 years. Upon retiring, he accepted a job at Tri-Rivers, where he taught for five years. He retired once again, then tutored at Rushmore Academy for two years. As a coach and teacher, for 42 years, he was selfless in his dedication and development of kids inspiring and encouraging them to dig deep and work hard.
Click HERE to read more about his life.