Leaving a Legacy

Legacy is about making an impact after you are gone. Or, today, supporting what truly matters to you. Or, creating something to be remembered forever. Endowment funds at Marion Community Foundation are a way to achieve this impact.
Your gift will provide perpetual support to the charities you care about, ensuring a lasting impact on the Marion community.
An endowment safeguards the principal while using investment income to fund scholarships and grants to nonprofits and community programs. It’s a powerful way to sustain the organizations and values that matter to you.
Incorporate your endowment into your estate plan through a bequest in your will, naming us as a beneficiary of retirement accounts or life insurance, or establishing a charitable trust. These options fund the endowment in the future from your assets, leaving your annual income intact during your lifetime.
Make a difference. Contact Marion Community Foundation today to create your fund and ensure your generosity lives on.

Read More from the 2024 Annual Report | Important Pieces | New Funds | New Staff | Agency Funds | Scholarship Funds | TEACH Grants | Racial Equity & Justice grants | Donor Advised Awards | Designated grants | Field of Interest grants | Community Grants | She’s an Original | 2024 Donors | Assets Top $68M | Financials