Important Pieces
By Julie Prettyman, President & CEO

Looking, looking, looking. Shape. Color. Size. Uniqueness of shape, how much color, and what shade. Each piece is different, even if, at first glance, they appear the same.
In this winter season of putting jigsaw puzzles together, I’m struck that Marion
Community Foundation is similar. We have many pieces that ultimately fit together to
complete the picture—or, in our case, pieces that have positive community impact.

DONORS | Thank you! Your decision to contribute to or start a fund has allowed the Foundation to address our community needs and programs — awarding more than $2.4 million in grants and scholarships of impact. Individually, each gift is unique and important — a different size, supporting a different cause. Collectively, these pieces create a picture of community support.

COMMUNITY PARTNERS | Kudos to the hard working, dedicated nonprofit organizations serving Marion. When asked “what did the Foundation do with grant dollars,” I look directly to the work of the 100+ nonprofits we support. The results are essential services and programs for people in Marion, such as the 46 young people each year who have a caring adult mentor through the YMCA’s Marion Mentors. Each of our nonprofit partners is improving our community’s quality of life and supporting those in need.

SCHOLARS | Congratulations on your academic achievements! In 2024, we awarded $538,000 to 193 local scholars to pursue higher education. These scholarship recipients are our nation’s next leaders in the private, nonprofit, and public sectors. They are the next generation of philanthropists.

FINANCIAL ADVISORS | We appreciate your expertise. Your investment management and focus on the long-term sustainability of Marion Community Foundation is not to be overlooked. Clearstead, the management firm that serves as our Chief Investment Officer, and seven local financial advisors all have the same goal—to help Marion Community Foundation grow, while protecting our assets for the future. They understand the importance of the collective picture of Marion Community Foundation.
Our community’s puzzle is much bigger and more complex than a 300-piece, 500-piece, or even a 1,000-piece jigsaw. Together, each piece fits to achieve a generous, educated, healthy, collaborative, and vibrant community.
Thank YOU for being an important piece of Marion Community Foundation.

Read More from the 2024 Annual Report | Leaving a Legacy | New Funds | New Staff | Agency Funds | Scholarship Funds | TEACH Grants | Racial Equity & Justice grants | Donor Advised Awards | Designated grants | Field of Interest grants | Community Grants | She’s an Original | 2024 Donors | Assets Top $68M | Financials