Vera O. McDanel Scholarship Fund

Vera O. McDanel was a life-long resident of Marion, Ohio. In fact, the family home, built in 1903, was where she was born and later lived until her passing in 2008 at the grand age of 91. She was one of eight siblings.
Vera served as an accountant for Universal Cooler Tecumseh Products, Floyd G. Browne and Associates, and The Continent in Columbus. She was a member of the Daughters of the Revolution and had been active in civilian defense during World War II.
Following her passing in 2008, the Vera O. McDanel Scholarship Fund was created to honor her memory and support the education of students from Marion County who wish to pursue a career as either an American history teacher or in the field of engineering, areas of expertise important to Vera.
Vera also created the Vera O. McDanel Senior Citizens Transportation Fund to provide for the transportation needs of senior citizens residing in Marion County—including trips to and from medical and dental appointments, business appointments, shopping, and social visits, as well as wheelchair assistance.