Norman Withrow Golf Scholarship Fund

Norman Withrow (1928-2021) was known as a man full of life who loved to crack jokes, farm, and spend the day at the local golf course. He also loved his wife, Mary Ellen Withrow, and was her biggest supporter as she became a big name in politics—up to and including becoming the 40th Treasurer of the United States. In 2016, he created a scholarship fund to support students who share his passion for golf.
Norman grew up in New Bloomington and was a multiple sport athlete in high school. In 1955, he won the Marion County Open Golf Tournament at the Mar-O-Del course, clinching the title with a gross score of 148 for 36 holes. He was the City Golfing Champion of Marion in 1957. He would go on to win five county titles, six club championships, as well as numerous other golf tournaments. The most notable was the 1991 Ohio State Seniors Tournament held at the Pebble Creek Golf Club in Mansfield, where he bested a field of 235 golfers.
Norman made his career as a farmer and, later, as a mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service. He and Mary Ellen raised four daughters. He was a long-standing member of the Elks, Moose, Legion, and Green Camp Lions Club and served as a Big Island Township Precinct Committeeman.
The Norman Withrow Golf Scholarship Fund supports students from any Marion County high school who participate in varsity golf to attend the college or university of their choice.