Meredythe & John McDaniel Fund

Originally the Meredythe McDaniel Memorial Fund, this designated fund was created by her husband, John, following her passing, in 2013. Now the Meredythe & John McDaniel Fund, it benefits Epworth United Methodist Chuch and the Palace Cultural Arts Association.
Meredythe (1936-2012) passed after a six year battle with cancer. She was born in Richwood, Ohio, and was salutatorian of her graduating class in 1954. She and John married while they were students at Ohio State University, after having met on a blind date. The couple shared 56 years and raised two children, Lisa and John.
John (1933-2022) was born in Marion, the youngest of four siblings. He graduated from Harding High School in 1955. While there, he played football and was named the Marion City Ping Pong Champion.
After graduating from Ohio State University with an industrial engineering degree, John returned to Marion and joined his father’s new company, O & M, as a manufacturer’s representative. It was and continues to be a family endeavor. Meredythe worked as a secretary and John passed the business on to his late son, John W., who dedicated 38 years to the company before his death in April 2020. Currently, John’s grandson, Devlin, is managing the company and carrying on the legacy.

Dedicated to the Marion Community, John served ont he boards of Marion County Job and Family Services, United Way of Marion County, Marion Homeless Shelter, and Salvation Army. He held memberships in the Gyro Club of Marion, the Marion Country Club, VFW Post 7201, MINT investment club and was, along with Meredythe, a lifelong member of the Epworth United Methodist Church.
In addition to being a homemaker, Meredythe was a model for the former Sutton & Lightner department store. She gave of her time to Marion General Hospital TWIG II, Junior Service Guild, and Marion Mobile Meals.
John and Meredythe enjoyed travel, golf, tennis, dancing, Bridge, and euchre with friends wherever they were.