Mandy Kruder Memorial Scholarship Fund

“Significant” may be an understatement when applied to the late Amanda (Mandy) Anne Kruder’s (1983-2002) level of involvement. She was a member of her school’s symphonic band, marching band, choir, Harding Singers, Rainbow Express, Rainbow Classic, Women’s Chorus, District Choir, All-State Choir, orchestra, Panorama, and school musicals. Mandy was a stellar student, holding membership in National Honor Society, Top 50, and Student Council; and, serving as senior class secretary and president of Future Educators. She was active in cheerleading, DARE, Teen Institute, Volunteer Initiative Program, and Harding’s literary magazine, the Orb. She was a dancer and was crowned homecoming queen her senior year.
Mandy’s memorial fund was created by her family—parents George and Janet Kruder and brother Jason—in 2002. The fund grew extremely quickly from more than 500 individual contributions, as well as multiple annual gifts from her immediate and extended family, and continues to grow steadily to this day. Mandy was a student at Bowling Green State University at the time an accident claimed her young life.
The Kruder Fund makes awards to Marion County high school seniors who have attended school in Marion for at least two years (including senior year) and, who, like the fund’s namesake, pursue education as their intended college major field of study. Special consideration is given to applicants majoring in early or middle childhood education, involvement in music programs, and attending Harding High School.
Thank you for making a memorial gift in honor of Louis Hughes. Read more about his life HERE.