Karen L. Baney Community Fund

Board member Spencer Mathews and his wife, Brittany, created this endowed donor advised fund in 2023 to honor Brittany’s parents, Robert & Karen Baney.
The fund memorializes Karen (1963-2022), a Marion resident for 50+ years who loved her community. Karen graduated from Elgin High School and put herself through nursing school, eventually graduating from Marion Technical College with her associate degree in nursing. She specialized in working in the emergency department and was known as a very loving person and a “fixer,” helping anyone she could.
The Mathews hope the fund will give groups and organizations the boost they need to improve the environment around them. In doing so, it will honor Karen, who was born, raised, and invested in Marion, Ohio.
The Baney Fund supports various charitable causes in Marion important to the Baney and Mathews families.