Judge Thomas K. Jenkins Scholarship Fund

In 2009, Judge Thomas K. Jenkins created this fund at Marion Community Foundation to provide resources in perpetuity for Marion area students pursuing degrees and careers in law. The scholarship fund recognizes Jenkins’ lifetime career of legal service to the Marion community.
“Law has been my life,” Tom said. “It is important to the community, state, and nation to encourage competent young people enter the field of law.”
A leading authority on estate planning in Marion County, he served as Probate and Juvenile Court judge for 24years.
Law is a family affair for Tom. Both of his daughters are attorneys, as is his brother-in-law, John Bartram, a fifth generation attorney.
The scholarship makes awards to graduates of Marion County high schools pursing a degree in law at any accredited college or university, with special consideration given to applicants attending Tom’s alma mater, Ohio Northern University School of Law.