Helen & Bob Bintz Scholarship Fund

The Bintz Scholarship, created in 2001, supports Catholic education and makes awards to any Marion County student to attend a Catholic university, especially the University of Dayton, the alma mater of many family members. The fund honors the parents of its creators, Patricia Kelly, Suzanne Burkhart, and MaryJo Balistreri.
The Bintz’s were a local Catholic family with deep ties to Marion. Both Helen (1915-2003) and Bob (1914-1990) attended St. Mary School and graduated from St. Mary High School, as did their four daughters. Bob made a career in retail as a partner in Frank Brothers Department Store and, later, he and Helen owned and co-managed the Bintz Ladies Apparel Store until they retired.
Recipients of the Bintz Scholarship rank in the upper 25th percentile of their high school graduating class and/or maintain a college GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must have attended a high school located in Marion County for at least the 18 months prior to their application.