Donna M. Flach Scholarship Fund

The Donna M. Flach Scholarship Fund was established by her daughter, Jan Gentzler, following her mother’s passing in December 2016. “I think starting this fund would have made her proud—knowing that she was furthering the education of someone who played one of her favorite sports,” said Jan. “It was the only way that I knew her name could live on and make a positive impact.” The Flach Scholarship supports students from Elgin and North Union high schools who hold a varsity letter in basketball.
“My mother loved sports,” explained Jan. “Plain and simple the woman lived for it.” Donna played basketball at Pleasant Schools when she was growing up. She raised five kids and had 26 grandkids, 87 great grandkids and 36 great greats and growing. She went to as many of all those kids’ games as she could, whether it was basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball or football. She was found at North Union and Elgin games throughout her life.
Bored if there were no games to watch, Donna, who passed at age 96, was an active member of three senior centers and served on the Board of Elections in Marion and Union counties for 55 years. Her motto was: “Remember yesterday, dream of tomorrow, but, live for today.”
Donna valued the education she, because of family duties, never had the chance to finish. She and her husband farmed near Green Camp (Ohio) on property that has belonged to the family since the first settlers arrived from Germany.