Don & Peggy Hall Family Fund

Created by Don & Peggy Hall in 2020, this designated endowment benefits the Palace Cultural Arts Association and its charitable purposes at the Marion Palace Theater.
Don (1928-2022) was a life-long Marion resident and a 1947 graduate of Pleasant High School. He and Peggy married in 1951, while he was home on leave from the Army. He served in Germany during the Korean Conflict.
In Marion, Don was a Marion City police officer for eight years and made a 42-year career with the Marion County Court of Common Pleas, serving as bailiff, probation and parole officer, divorse commissioner, and Director of Court Services. He was also a part-time real estate broker.
Active in the community, Don held membership in Emanuel Lutheran Church, Elks, Moose, and Eagles lodges, Gyro, VFW, American Legion, Masons, Shriners, the Board of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce, Marion Country Club, OSU Alumni Association, and Rotary.