Danny C. Sipes Memorial Scholarship Fund

A memorial to a young life ended too soon, the Danny C. Sipes Memorial Scholarship Fund memorializes its namesake, who was killed by a drunk driver during his freshman year of college at Bowling Green State University. He was studying to become a lawyer.
Danny (1965-1985) was a good student and well liked at Marion Harding High School. Remembered as an outstanding baseball player, Danny had a lifelong passion for the game and excelled as a catcher. He played from Peewee and Little Leagues through high school and was a walk-on at Bowling Green. His high school team was state runner-up in 1984 and his traveling team advanced to several national level games. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing.
Recipients of the Sipes Scholarship are Marion Harding High School seniors in the upper 25 percent of their graduating class. They must also have been a member of the school’s interscholastic baseball team. The fund was created by Danny’s parents, Charles and Shirley Sipes, in 2007 to preserve the memory of their son.