Aris Kasotis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Aris Kasotis was a young man who liked to see people included. “He made friends easily,” said his mother, Joan Kasotis, Marion County Auditor, “and he liked to make sure that no one was overlooked.”
Aris’ enjoyment of life and his desire to share with others prompted his parents, Joan and long-time local restaurateur and caterer, George Kasotis, to establish a memorial scholarship in Aris’ name following his untimely death in an automobile accident. More than 100 memorial contributions from friends and family helped to establish this scholarship fund in 2007.

The Kasotis Fund provides an annual scholarship for a senior from Marion Harding High School who ranks in the upper 50 percent of his or her senior class, but not the top 10 percent.
“Sometimes, a student may not take high school very seriously,” explains Joan, “but when they get to college and find out what they want to do, they put in the effort and really succeed. This was the type of student Aris was and the type of student we want this scholarship to help.”
Special consideration is given to applicants who have participated in Harding Singers, interscholastic wrestling, and/or interscholastic football—school activities that Aris enjoyed.