2023 New Funds
In celebration of our 25th anniversary, our big push for new endowment funds was quite the success — a record 45 new funds were created! Below is a list of our new funds for 2023, by name, including a description of the fund’s purpose and the fund creator(s).

Marion Technical College Foundation has added the following agency funds. These funds are named in honor of supporters of the college and support scholarships at MTC.
Augenstein Family Fund | E
Donna Day Fund | E
Drew Family Fund | E
McCall Family Fund | E
Debbie & Treg Stark Fund | E
Donor Advised
Donor advised funds are created by donors wishing to be active in their philanthropy. Fund creators and advisors annually select causes they wish to support. New in 2023 are:
5 Queens Fund A | Megan & Eric Queen
Karen L. Baney Community Fund E | Spencer & Brittany Mathews
Durain Family Fund A| Devin & Crystal Durain
Bonnie Lou Earhart Fund A | Lisa Bush, Mary Antjas, and Brandie Smith
Gary & Mary Ann Ferriman Fund E | Gary & Mary Ann Ferriman
Lois & Nicholas Fisher Family Fund E | Lois & Nick Fisher
Thomas & Patricia Frericks Fund E | Matthew, Jeffery & Joseph Frericks
Cy & Julie Prettyman Fund E | Cy & Julie Prettyman
PRISM Fund E | anonymous
Megan & Eric Queen Fund N | Megan & Eric Queen
Debby & Jim Shade Family Fund E | Debby & Jim Shade
Field of Interest
Stephen J. & Mary “Sally” Byrnes Memorial Fund L | A TEACH fund honoring his parents | Daniel Byrnes
Frank & Kathy Conley Family Fund E | Supporting animal welfare in Marion County | Kathy Conley
Jody Demo-Hodgins Family Fund A | Supporting alcohol, drug prevention, and mental health wellness programming in Marion County | Jody Demo-Hodgins
John & Penelope Green Fund L | Supporting underserved and disadvantaged youth in Marion County | Penelope Green
Jewish Community Fund of Marion, Ohio A | Addressing poverty assistance in Marion | Marion Congregation of Israel/Temple Israel of Marion
Thurman & Rose Mathews Fund E | Benefits youth in Marion County | Estates of Thurman & Rose Mathews
Caden Ruth Fund L | Supporting youth activities, especially in agriculture, and people with disabilities | Arden & Sherry Ruth
Steven Family Education Fund A | A TEACH fund honoring Richard “Dick” Steven | Mickie Sebenoler
Bill Burga Endowment Fund A | Supporting the Construction Trades Academy at Tri-Rivers Careeer Center | Tim Burga
Linda Davis DeNise & Susan Davis Dodds Fund E | Supporting the Marion Palace Theatre, Prairie Parks Foundation & Trinity Baptist Church | Linda DeNise and Susan Dodds
Father Fred Furey Fund E | Benefitting Marion’s St. Mary School | The Father Fred Furey Scholarship Fund for Marion’s Catholic Schools, Inc.
John & Penelope Green MTC Fund L | Supporting Marion Technical College | Penelope Green
Matt & Christine McCoy Fund E | Benefitting beautification projects of Downtown Marion, Inc. | Christine McCoy
Pleasant Schools Endowment Fund E | Supporting classroom teachers at Pleasant Local Schools | Annette Holler and Megan Queen
Vince Reed Memorial Fund E | Supporting students of Tri-Rivers Career Center | Kristin Reed, Karington Reed
Debby & Jim Shade Family Fund II L | Supporting the Marion Area Humane Society, Liberty Presbyterian Church, and Marion Community Foundation | Debby & Jim Shade
Daniel L. Morrison St. Jude Children’s Hospital Fund L | Supporting St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Nashville | Dan Morrison
Joe & Martha Douce Maniaci Memorial Fund E | Supporting the Marion Palace Theatre | Marilyn McBride, Suzanne Harris, LuAnn Hartman, and Joseph Maniaci III
Coach Mac Prexie Pride Scholarship Fund in memory of Mike McCreary E | Supporting student athletes of Harding High School | Marion City Schools Athletic Booster Club and Jan McCreary
Frericks Family Scholarship Fund A | Supporting students attending a Catholic college or university | Matthew, Jeffery & Joseph Frericks
Granges of Morrow County Scholarship Fund A | Supporting students from Morrow County | Williamsport Grange No. 1815
Dr. Tarlok & Amar Purewal Scholarship Fund E | Supporting students pursuing education in the trades, apprenticeship, and skilled labor | Dr. Tarlok & Amar Purewal
Jeffery Rainey Memorial Scholarship Fund E | Supporting students from Pleasant and North Union high schools | Jill Rainey and Janet Rainey
Kevin & Ruth Smith Scholarship Fund E | Supporting seniors of Elgin High School pursing education in business, finance, or economics | Kevin & Ruth Smith
McBride Family Scholarship Fund A | Supporting students pursuing degrees in education or healthcare | Russ & Marilyn McBride
Calvin H. & Elizabeth L. Topliff Scholarship Fund E | Supporting Marion students pursuing degrees in education or engineering | Georgia Mathews
Unrestricted funds are created by generous donors who allow the
Foundation’s Board of Directors to determine grant awards to any worthy cause or pressing community need. New in 2023 are:
Don C. Splitstone Memorial Fund E | Estate of Donald Splitstone
Dick & Dorothy Taylor Fund A | Mike Taylor, Tim Taylor & Nancie Taylor Poorman
Bill & Sue Young Fund L | Bill & Sue Young